Moseara Kinharbour formerly known as Cathoel Jorss is an Australian poet and jazz composer now living in Ghana. Her musicians’ collective, Cathoel (Moseara) & the New Government, releases original collaborations on the microlabel House of Lovers, so far featuring cat-callers, buskers, and folk and jazz innovators from Togo, Appalachia, Indigenous Australia, Brazil, and Tibet. She is the author of sundry timely innovations including a modernised Australian flag, a rewritten Lord’s Prayer, the first travelogue composed online entirely in status updates, and the world’s most unhelpful deity, the Shuddha.

In my opinion you will be one of the greatest artists
Bob ‘King’ Crawford
this country has produced.
Your voice is hypnotic.
Vangelis Hondroukakis
Such a beautiful, resonant, sad, husky, interesting,
Jordie Albiston
soothing, well-disciplined voice.
I keep your book on my coffee table.
Carolyn MacKinnon
Like Leunig, but on fire.
Alex Bradley
This book is a beautiful piece of work.
Kate Wild, reviewing in Cordite
Cathoel Jorss is poetry.
Sandy McCutcheon
Many thanks for your wisdom. You have the eye and the instinct.
Robin Archbold
Poetry taut with intelligence, modest only in not falsely inflating its subjects, with supple lines freighted with clear, sensuous imagery combined with a raw tenderness that is nicely judged.
Doug Leonard, reviewing in West End Neighbourhood News
Powerfully engaged and sensitive observations.
Stephen Lawrence
The total impression is of a first-rate artist at work.
Kerry Leves, reviewing in Overland